

2008年7月25日 星期五

Live fish fad 成都新時尚:以活魚當首飾

Marine biologists in a Chinese city have condemned a fad among young girls for wearing live fish as jewellery.

Teenage girls in Chengdu are queuing up to buy plastic pendants containing the fish, reports West China City Daily.

Vendors say the fish can live up to three months in the sealed containers which contain water, fish food and two solid oxygen balls.

After three months, they add that the fish can be released in ponds or tanks by breaking open the pendants.

The fish ornaments, which cost about 20p each, are very popular among girls as necklaces or bag decorations.

But an expert at the Sichuan Provincial Marine Life Research Center says the practice is cruel and should be banned. (West China City Daily -- 華西都市報)
